NASA ASTRO Camp Collaborative Partner Program in the Canary Islands Receives International Award
NASA ASTRO Camp Collaborative Partner (ACCP) FY21 Collaborators, Parque Estelar Camino Barranco de Badajoz, located in Guimar, Spain, was awarded with the Starlight Recognition 2020 in "Education and Dissemination of Astronomy" in the International Awards of the Starlight Foundation presented at the I International Astrotourism Conference in Evora, Portugal on Sept. 11, 2021. The conference has been an important global event for representatives of the field of Star Tourism which has brought together public administrations, scientific institutions, universities, local communities, and travel agencies. The program was highlighted in the media and provided additional information regarding being a NASA ACCP collaborator and trained facilitator. In addition to hosting ACCP camps for Spain participants, the programs event captured participants from 6 different countries: Japan, Venezuela, Ireland, Italy, Australia, and Russia, reaching 50 school age learners. The program is the first NASA ACCP Collaborative in Spain and the only park of this type certified in the Canary Islands and only one of eight in the world.