GLOBE Research Done in the Time of COVID: Students Showcase Their Work
On May 13, 2021, the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Midwest Earth System Science (ESS) Collaborative held the GLOBE Midwest ESS Virtual Science Symposium, featuring GLOBE work done by 3rd-12th graders from 11 Midwest area schools. 25 projects involving over 80 students were shared live or virtually via video. 15 subject matter experts (SMEs) provided feedback on the students’ work.
Students had options to submit project research papers or an artistic expression (video, song, poem, essay, poster, drawing) on what GLOBE means to them. Scientists, local officials and parents attended the live event.
Five teachers were chosen randomly and awarded money used to purchase GLOBE equipment for their schools thanks to a generous donation from YLACES (Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists). The teacher winners were the following: Laurie Fox – Butternut School – Butternut, Wisconsin; Melody Tsapranis – Navarre Elementary School – Toledo, Ohio; Molly Duhamel – Otsego Junior High School – Bowling Green, Ohio; Janene Smith – St. Peter’s Jr. & Senior High School and Abbie Smith – Millcreek-West Unity (Hilltop) School – West Unity, Ohio.
The following Midwest GLOBE US Partner hosted the event: David Bydlowski, Wayne RESA – AREN Project; Kevin Czajkowski and Janet Struble, University of Toledo – GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME); Michael Notaro and Rosalyn Pertzborn, University of Wisconsin-Madison – Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Grant.
“Interesting project! It slides right into science exploration.” –Brian Campbell, NASA
“All of the student presentations were outstanding, despite the challenges of leading a research study through the pandemic. GLOBE continues to serve as an exceptional tool to develop the next generation of scientists.”