2 min read
National Institute of Aerospace’s Center for Integrative STEM Education Educators partnered with NASA’s Langley Research Center Science Directorate Educators and Hampton City School (HCS) teachers and administrators August 30, 2021 to incorporate NASA eClips and Elementary GLOBE resources into HCS’s third grade science and English/language arts (ELA) curricula. HCS serves a diverse student population (60% Black, 23% White, 8% two or more races, 7% Hispanic, 2% Asian). All third-grade students (approximately 1,500) will benefit from the implementation of the Elementary GLOBE Earth Systems Module during the first nine weeks of school. Together, they engaged 69 third grade teachers in Best Practices for integrating the Elementary GLOBE Earth Systems Module resources into their classrooms through an interactive virtual professional development. HCS teacher participants explored the Elementary GLOBE website and the Earth System Module, and were introduced to NASA eClips videos, such as the Ask SME: Close-up with a NASA Subject Matter Expert “Astrobiologist - Dr. Danny Glavin,” that are linked in the HCS science and ELA curricula. Teachers will be trained in the spring of 2022 to implement the Elementary GLOBE Soils Module during the fourth nine weeks of the school year. Additional training will take place in the summer of 2022 for third grade teachers interested in learning how to collect cloud data with their students. In subsequent years, teachers in other grades will be trained on how to implement GLOBE and related NASA eClips learning experiences with students.