Studying the Urban Heat Island Effect in the GLOBE Program
Dr. Barbie Buckner from the NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) hosted a conversation with Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (Dr. C) and Janet Struble from the University of Toledo about the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) on September 8, 2021. In the presentation, What is making my neighborhood SO HOT?, the audience learned about the phenomenon of the “urban heat island effect” where there is an increase in surface temperature due to a neighborhood’s surroundings such as buildings and paved surfaces. Dr. C leads the GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign to study the Urban Heat Islands around the world. As for next steps in this project, Dr. C introduced the TerraROVER (Remotely Operated Vehicles for Education and Research) from NASA’s project, AEROKATS & ROVER Education Network (AREN), as a future endeavor.
The UHIE Badge from the NASA STEM EDPC Digital Badging System was introduced to the public as a way to learn more about the UHIE. Participants were given time to explore the My NASA Data website. The My NASA Data Urban Heat Island Story Map, which engages the learner through storytelling about the heat island phenomenon was highlighted.
Educators were given the opportunity to join the GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign and a course in a Google classroom where they will receive training and support throughout the school year.
The survey results revealed that all but two attendees will incorporate some of the information presented in their classrooms or work. 16 out of 19 attendees already use NASA resources. Eight educators would like to join the UHIE Google classroom along with four who requested more information.
Comments from survey:
“I so appreciate the wonderful resources from NASA, and LOVE working with folks who are so passionate about their work.”“The My NASA Data site has well prepared resources.”
“The challenge that I have with Earth science data and materials from sources like NASA and NOAA is that there is so much of it that I get overwhelmed. I’m trying to design lessons for high school Earth Science and Climate Science.”