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Infiniscope & AGU Collaborate to Transform Earth & Space Science Education

Infiniscope & AGU Collaborate to Transform Earth & Space Science Education

Infiniscope and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) are combining efforts to transform Earth and Space Science (ESS) in K12 education. The effort begins by raising awareness with the AGU community at the annual Fall Meeting, held December 6 – 14, 2021 both virtually and in-person. During the two weeks, Infiniscope shared efforts to bring ESS and NASA expertise into schools struggling to integrate this core content and using innovative technology to expand reach. These efforts included a Town Hall presentation, featuring educators, NASA leadership, and California leadership, with over 80 live participants; a NASA Hyperwall presentation showcasing the effort; sharing the technology tool Tour It with NASA booth attendees; and five presentations showcasing the Tour It tool, place-based learning strategies with the tool, and plans for ESS in K12. NNX16AD79A

Town Hall –

Hyperwall –

NASA booth sharing the technology tool Tour It.



Last Updated
Dec 07, 2021