The Universe Stories

Hubble Sees a Spiral and a Star
2 min read
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features a sparkling spiral galaxy paired with a prominent star, both in the constellation Virgo. While the galaxy and the star appear to be close to one another, even overlapping, they’re actually a great…

Discovery Alert: ‘Super-Earth’ Swings from Super-Heated to Super-Chill
4 min read
The Discovery A possible “super-Earth” orbits a relatively close, Sun-like star, and could be a habitable world – but one of extreme temperature swings, from scorching heat to deep freeze. Key Facts The newly confirmed planet is the outermost of…

Team Preps to Study Dark Energy via Exploding Stars With NASA’s Roman
6 min read
The universe is ballooning outward at an ever-faster clip under the power of an unknown force dubbed dark energy. One of the major goals for NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is to help astronomers gather clues to the…