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Glowing bands over Earth at night.

The Atmosphere... After Dark!

What transpires in the upper reaches of the atmosphere when things go dark? Read on to learn about some surprising science in our nighttime sky.

Rethinking the Night Sky

Earth’s upper atmosphere includes an electrified region called the ionosphere. When the Sun sets below the horizon, the boundaries of the ionosphere change. Without the Sun’s direct light and heat energizing this layer, the ionosphere on Earth’s night side shrinks its upper boundary drops, and its lower boundary rises. These changes set the stage for some incredible nighttime displays.

This animation shows how the ionosphere expands with incoming solar energy during the daytime but then shrinks at night.
Light and heat from the Sun expand the ionosphere during the day. When these solar inputs disappear, the ionosphere shrinks.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center



The Sun continuously radiates charged particles. Some of these particles can get caught in the magnetosphere and rain down into the atmosphere, usually near the poles. There, these particles can collide with gases, creating colorful glowing lights.

“Think of the atmosphere as a giant neon sign,” said Rafael Mesquita, an atmospheric scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, who studies the connection between the atmosphere and magnetosphere. “When charged particles flow into the atmosphere along the magnetic field lines, they ‘power up’ the gases in the sky, causing them to glow — much like how electricity excites the gases inside the tubes of a neon sign.”

Think of the atmosphere as a giant neon sign. When charged particles flow into the atmosphere along the magnetic field lines, they ‘power up’ the gases in the sky, causing them to glow.

Rafael Mesquita

Rafael Mesquita

EZIE Mission Scientist, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

Mesquita explains that aurora colors depend on how deep the charged particles penetrate the atmosphere. Red and green auroras form easily at higher altitudes, where oxygen is abundant. At lower altitudes, however, where nitrogen dominates, more energy is needed. This is where blue and pink auroras come to life.

Auroras are linked to electromagnetic currents known as auroral electrojets. To learn more about these fascinating flows, NASA is joining forces with scientists like Mesquita and others at APL on the Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer (EZIE) mission.


An infographic showing electrons hitting air molecules, exciting them into higher energy states. As the molecules calm down, they give off light.
When energetic particles from space bombard gases in the atmosphere, they can give the atoms and molecules of the gases extra energy. That extra energy is then released as tiny specks of light.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio/Mary P. Hrybyk-Keith
Aurora ColorAltitudeAtmospheric Composition
Red≥120 miles (≥200 km)Oxygen
Green60-120 miles (100-200 km)Oxygen
Blue60-120 miles (100-200 km)Nitrogen
Pink≤60 miles (≤100 km)Nitrogen



“Meteors occur all the time,” said Erin Dawkins, a scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who studies how tiny particles called space dust interact with the atmosphere. “They heat up and burn as they enter the atmosphere, and if these particles are large enough, we see the bright streaks known as meteors.”

Meteors are more visible at night because the dark sky provides contrast, like stars appearing after dark settles in. Dawkins explains that, beyond their beauty, studying meteors helps scientists see atmospheric motion and chemical changes over time, like ink in water. Scientists are working to trace meteors back to their origins, which will reveal more about their journey and, ultimately, tell a more complete story of the universe.


Learn the basics of asteroids and comets in this interactive “scrolly-telling” module. Then, track over 30,000 asteroids that are near Earth’s orbit, see the next five closest approaches to Earth, and learn about current and historic NASA asteroid and comet missions in this real-time 3D simulation of the solar system. Learn more about NASA’s Eyes:



Sprite clusters can span 10 miles across and reach up to 30 miles in height. When they emerge, they resemble fantastical shapes like carrots and jellyfish. “They’re like snowflakes; none are identical,” said Burcu Kosar, a scientist at NASA Goddard who leads NASA’s Spritacular citizen science project.

Unlike regular lightning, sprites are relatively cold and difficult to see with the naked eye. To best capture one, point a camera toward a distant thunderstorm at night and wait for the magic (read: science) to happen.

When lightning strikes the ground, Kosar explains, a current travels from the cloud to the ground, transferring large amounts of charge. This suddenly creates an electric field at the base of the ionosphere, which electrifies nitrogen to produce a brief, spectacular red glow. After sunset, the ionosphere’s lower boundary rises by about 12 miles or more, which allows sprites to spark high in the sky.


Paul Smith is a night sky fanatic and photographer. His obsession is sprites: immense jolts of light that flicker high above thunderstorms. In October 2021, he guided NASA scientist Dr. Burcu Kosar through the backroads of Oklahoma to catch one herself. Although she’d studied sprites for over 15 years, she hadn’t yet chased one.

Image credits: Paul Smith, Frankie Lucena, Panagiotis Tsouras, Thomas Ashcraft. All imagery of sprites is copyrighted and used with permission. Learn more here:



The sudden removal of the Sun’s light creates waves in the atmosphere, similar to ocean waves. These waves can merge into large wind perturbations, particularly near the solar terminator, and can stretch for thousands of kilometers.

“The scale of it is massive,” says Claire Gasque, a research associate at the University of California, Berkeley, who measured these enormous solar terminator waves for the first time. “It’s about 3,000 kilometers across — more than half the width of the continental United States.” These waves likely form due to temperature gradients caused by the solar terminator, though the exact mechanism remains unknown.

Solar terminator waves occur in the upper regions of the atmosphere where satellites operate. Gasque notes that understanding these waves is crucial as society becomes more dependent on space-based infrastructure like navigation and communications satellites.


No sudden, sharp boundary marks the passage of day into night. Instead, the shadow line or terminator is diffuse and shows the gradual transition to darkness we experience on Earth as twilight. For a tidally locked planet there is no day or night, only freezing darkness on one side and burning constant sunlight on the other. The terminator zone is bathed in constant twilight and would likely be the only place on the planet to be potentially hospitable.Image courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center
No sudden, sharp boundary marks the passage of day into night. Instead, the shadow line or terminator is diffuse and shows the gradual transition to darkness we experience on Earth as twilight.
NASA/Johnson Space Center/Image Science and Analysis Laboratory

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