Mission Abstracts
Prior to the event, the showcase organizing committee solicited abstracts from the planetary science community describing expected future planetary science missions, including missions that could be solicited via New Frontiers, Discovery, SIMPLEx Announcement of Opportunities; and directed flagship and medium-class concepts identified by the National Academy of Sciences’ “Origins, Worlds, and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023–2032.”
The committee categorized the abstracts according to the mission destination:
Lunar Exploration Assessment Group (LEAG)
- ASTROLAB: A South Pole-Aitken Basin Sample Return Mission Using Commercial Rovers and Landers
- Lunar Surface Geodesy: Local Geodetic Networks for a Tectonically Active Moon
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Endurance A 11/14/22
- ROCKSTAR: A Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for Meter Scale Data Collection From Orbit 11/9/22
- PORIS, An Astronaut-Borne Portable infrared Imaging Spectrometer For Rapid Assessment and Downselect of Potential Rock and Soil Samples. 11/9/22
- LUNAPIX & MAPX: Particle Induced X-Ray Emission/X-Ray Fluorescence Instruments for Lunar and Planetary Science 11/21/22
- The SelenITA Mission 11/21/22
Mars Exploration Program Assessment Group MEPAG
- Mars Life Explorer
- Collecting In Situ Observations of Meteorological and Aeolin Processes on Mars
- Abzu: A Mission to Uncover the Origin of Ancient Organics on Mars in situ
- An Incoherent Scatter Radar Mission to Mars (ISRMM) 11/14/22
- Mars Icebreaker 11/14/22
- Mars Stationary Orbiter (MSO) 11/16/22
- Mars High Resolution Imager (MHRI) 11/16/22
- Mars Weather/Comm Infrastructure 11/16/22
- Smallsat Spectrometers 11/16/22
- Key Technology Needs Identified from KISS Report 11/16/22
- Mars Polar LAnder and ClimatE Record Network (Mars PLACER Net or MPN) 11/21/22
- Monitoring Areostationary Constellation for Atmosphere and Weather in Space (MACAWS) 11/21/22
- TH2OR Electromagnetic Sounding For Subsurface Brines On Mars 11/21/22
- Gangotri mission concept on the glacial key to the Amazonian climate of Mars 11/29/22
Mercury Exploration Assessment Group MExAG
- Mercury Scout
- Mercury Lander Mission Concept Study 11/9/22
- GRAIL AT MERCURY: Coherent Laser Tracking For Geophysics 11/9/22
Outer Planets Assessment Group OPAG
- Jupiter System Observatory at Sun-Jupiter Lagrangian Point One
- Optical Sensor for ISRU Minerals (OSIM)
- New Frontiers Titan Orbiter
- Rideshare4OuterPlanets
- Shadow Chaser: a smallsat concept to determine the middle and upper atmospheric structures of Uranus and Neptune through stellar-occultation measurements from Earth orbit
- Small Next-Generation Atmospheric Probe (SNAP) For Ice Giant Missions
- VIPRE: A Tool For Visualization Of The Impact Of Probe Entry Conditions
- Interstellar Object Interceptor Missions: Opportunities and Challenges
- Uranus Orbiter and Probe (UOP)
- Enceladus Orbilander
- Enceladus multiple flyby (EMF)
- Saturn Probe
- Titan Orbiter
- Triton Ocean World Surveyor
- Prometheus: A New Frontiers mission concept to Jupiter’s moon Io 11/9/22
Small Bodies Assessment Group SBAG
- Centaur orbiter and lander (CORAL)
- Ceres Sample Return 11/14/22
- Comet surface sample return (CSSR)
- Halley 2061 Missions
- Technology gaps for rapid response missions to near-Earth objects, interstellar objects, and long-period comets 11/29/22
- CORSAIR: Comet Rendezvous Sample Acquisition, Investigation and Return 12/5/22