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Planetary Science Technology Symposium

Black banner that reads Inaugural Planetary Science Technology Symposium, October 21-24, 2024 in Cleveland, Ohio. There is a circular orange and yellow logo on the right side.

The NASA Planetary Exploration Science Technology Office (PESTO) invites its awardees and members of the public to participate in the Inaugural Planetary Science Technology Symposium. Attendees will encounter the latest advances in NASA-funded technology for Planetary Science, including: remote and in-situ sensing instruments, platforms, components, communications, automation, and modeling.

The symposium goals are to:

  • Inspire all with discussions of successes and challenges from infused mission technologies.
  • Present current technology development projects.
  • Encourage interactions between scientists, engineers, technologists and mission planners.

Attendees may participate as presenters, panelists, and/or audience members. While in person registration has closed, it is still possible to sign up for virtual attendance through this form. Virtual Registration will close on October 14, 2024.