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Learning through Cultural Connections: The Northern Lights Website

Two students in a classroom setting showing their models of Earth's magnetic field.
Cultural Connections: The Northern Lights Homepage
Geophysical Institute, Universtity of Alaska Fairbanks
Heliophysics Topics
  • aurora
  • space_weather
  • magnetosphere
  • atmosphere
Heliophysics Missions
  • stereo_a_b
  • solar_dynamics_observatory_sdo
  • solar_and_heliospheric_observatory_soho

An elementary/middle-school STEM unit addressing the aurora through the Iñupiat cultural lens. This unit targets lifelong learners through the development of informal educational products based on the topic of the aurora. Products currently in development include The Northern Lights video in two formats [for flat screen and planetarium viewing], a set of museum exhibit features, and learning kits for students in grades 4-8. All products showcase Inupiat culture and language. Learning kits include multimedia, interactive games, and reusable classroom supplies. The three-year Geophysical Institute project was funded by the U.S. Department of Education as an Alaska Native Education Program award.