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UAF Museum of the North: Space Science Outreach Page

The home page of University of Alaska Fairbanks Museum of the North’s Space Science Outreach Page. The Museum’s logo is in the top left corner and there are menu bars at the top and left side of the webpage. Thumbnails on the center of the webpage link to various resources including, “Hands-On Activities, Astronomy Calendar, Events & Programs, Kits & Materials, Learning Links, About UAMN Space Outreach.”
UAF Museum of the North: Space Science Outreach Page
UAF Museum of the North
Heliophysics Big Ideas
  • Big Idea 1.2 – The Sun is active…
  • Big Idea 3.1 – The Sun is made of churning plasma…
Heliophysics Topics
  • aurora
  • space_weather
  • solar_wind
  • sun

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Museum of the North's Space Science Outreach webpage includes links to free downloadable activities, online resources, kits for loan, and more. As a NASA HEAT Partner, UAF has developed heliophysics-targeted resources which include the Sun Discovery Kit, Cultural Connections Kit, Sunspotter Kit, Energetic Aurora Kit, Magnets Kit, and entire page of hands-on activities related to the Sun, many with Native Alaskan perspectives on science.

Find hands-on activities related to the aurora, or Northern Lights, which is how many Alaskans connect to the Sun in the dark winter months of the North.

UAF also holds virtual family events, accessible to audiences across the US.