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INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment Expressions of Interest for No-Cost Participation / Contributions and Clarification of A.61 INSPYRE ST.

INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment (INSPYRE) is one of six mission concepts selected as part of NASA’s fourth Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-4) program. Previously, NASA’s Earth Science division released a call for proposals for the INSPYRE Science Team as program element A.61 of ROSES-24.

Today, NASA’s Earth Science division has released a call for expressions of interest to utilize excess flight capabilities on INSPYRE as well as foreign and other no-cost contributions to INSPYRE on NSPIRES. This opportunity is separate from and complementary to the previously released INSPYRE Science Team program element, which has been updated to refer to this new opportunity. This new call for expressions of interest is only for additional analyses beyond those addressing INSPYRE’s main objectives and science questions.

All (foreign and domestic) who plan to provide high-priority remote sensing or in-situ measurements that are critical to analyses addressing INSPYRE’s main objectives and science questions must submit a formal proposal via the ROSES-24 A.61 INSPYRE Science Team program element, even if it has no budget. Also, Section 4 of the ROSES-24 A.61 INSPYRE Science Team program element has been clarified to state that the program elements welcomes all proposals that are highly responsive to the main objectives and science questions, even if they do not fit precisely into the priorities listed in the appendices of the white paper.

Questions concerning either the new call for expressions of interest to utilize excess flight capabilities on INSPYRE as well as foreign and other no-cost contributions to INSPYRE or the previously released ROSES-24 A.61 INSPYRE Science Team program element may be directed to Will McCarty at and David Peterson at