Bringing NASA Science to the the 2022 Space Exploration Educators Conference
Several NASA Science Activation (SciAct) project teams collaborated to conduct three hybrid workshops on February 10th, 2022, for the 2022 Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at Space Center Houston. The three workshop sessions:
- NASA Science: Getting Ready for the Next Solar Eclipse (coordinated by Sharon Bowers);
- NASA Science: Hands-On Exploration of Our Solar System (coordinated by Joelle Clark and Lori Rubino-Hare); and
- NASA Science: Exploring NASA Science Missions (coordinated by Christine Shupla)
highlighted NASA Science and incorporated SciAct activities, resources, and Subject Matter Experts from eight different Science Activation project teams. Activities were collaboratively facilitated by in-person and remote SciAct team members for a captivated audience of more than 116 formal and informal educators. Resources for the Solar Eclipse session, including a digital scavenger hunt, are available online:
NASA eClips, 4D Multi-Dimensional Strategies to Promote Understanding of NASA Science Award Number NNX16AB91A.
Planetary Learning that Advances the Nexus of Engineering, Technology, and Science (PLANETS) Award Number NNX16AC53A
Planetary Resources and Content Heroes (ReaCH) Award Number 80NSSC21M0003.