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Pre-Service Teachers Incorporate NASA Resources into Lesson Plans

Pre-Service Teachers Incorporate NASA Resources into Lesson Plans

On October 26th, 2021, NASA Langley Research Center Education Coordinator, Elizabeth Joyner, presented “Diving Deeper into the Nature of Science with Science Practices Using Data” to 15 pre-service education students currently enrolled in “The Nature of Science” course taught by Dr. Mark Templin at the University of Toledo. Ms. Joyner presented “The Nature of Science” within the context of NASA Earth Data and provided an overview of My NASA Data and the ways in which My NASA Data tools can help support student inquiry and data literacy. Students had the opporunity to use the Earth System Data Explorer and several Data Literacy tools.

This semester, these pre-service education students learn about the NASA Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program and other NASA assets. They will also be writing a lesson plan using My NASA Data resources. Next semester, during student teaching, they will teach the lessons they developed and reflect on their implementation. These efforts were made as part of the NASA Science Activation GLOBE Mission Earth Project, which seeks to embed NASA assets into the GLOBE Program and integrate them into the curricula of schools along the K-12 continuum. For more infomration, please visit (Award No. NNX16AC54A)

Dr. Templin commented, “Ms. Joyner is an excellent teacher of My NASA Data resources. The resources themselves are very helpful to my preservice teachers and the materials have helped them think differently about science.”

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Last Updated
Jul 23, 2023