Science Career Opportunities Planning and Exploration Workshop
The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) hosted the pilot offering of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate’s (SCOPE) workshop on February 28 - March 2, 2023. This new workshop showcased key science leadership roles at NASA, featuring panels of scientists currently in those positions. Panelists shared information about key roles and responsibilities, ideal attributes, suggested training or experiences, lessons-learned as well as participate in Q&A. Participants got a detailed overview of key science roles as outlined in the Career Path Tool, were introduced to what key positions entail, and learned how to navigate their careers accordingly. Workshop participants broadened their networks outside their local organization and left with tools and resources, allowing them to be more intentional with their career trajectory. The creation of this workshop was a recommendation of the 2021 Agency Science Workforce Study.
Workshop Panels
Over the course of three half-day sessions, participants will have the opportunity to meet other scientists and attend science career track presentations and panels. Participants will learn about key science roles and leadership positions in 5 workshop panels and hear about NASA in a Larger Context from a workshop panel of SMD Division Directors:
- Supervision Track
- Mission Track
- Research Analysis and Application Track
- Technology Development Track
- Science Program Management Track
- NASA in a Larger Context
Agenda & Presentations
Agenda, presentations and session recordings
If you have any questions, please contact Greg Mosby and Lori Simmons.