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Dark Energy and Matter Stories

New Images From Euclid Mission Reveal Wide View of the Dark Universe
6 min read

With NASA contributions, the mission will complement dark energy studies to be made by the agency’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The Euclid mission, led by ESA (the European Space Agency) with contributions from NASA, has released five new…

NASA’s New Hubble E-Book Spotlights Universe’s Best-Kept Dark Secrets
5 min read

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope team has released a new downloadable e-book in the Hubble Focus series, called “Hubble Focus: The Dark Universe.” This e-book highlights the mission’s recent discoveries about two mysterious components of our universe, known as dark energy…

NASA’s Roman to Search for Signs of Dark Matter Clumps
5 min read

Some of the finest, smallest details in the universe – the gaps between elongated groups of stars – may soon help astronomers reveal dark matter in greater detail than ever before. After NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope launches, by May 2027, researchers will…
