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HWO at AAS 245

Members of the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) Project Office and Working Groups held a Special Session and a Splinter Meeting at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in National Harbor, Maryland.

Special Session - Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A graphic fades in from black on the left. Starting on the bottom right there is an ocean wave, with a ship floating on it. Above that there a mountain with an observatory that fades into a sky with shooting stars. Then, the sky fades into space where you can see a couple of planets and satellites until finally at the top center of the image there is a swirling blue and purple galaxy. The words "Habitable worlds Observatory AAS245 Special Session are at the front left of the graphic.
The title slide of Megan Ansdell's AAS245 Special Session presentation.
NASA/Megan Ansdell

There was an HWO Special Session at the Winter AAS on Wednesday, January 15, from 10 AM to 11:30 AM ET in Potomac Ballroom C. This session featured presentations from HWO’s Project Office.

Topic (with link to slides)Presenters
Intro from NASA HQMegan Ansdell (NASA HQ)
HWO TMPO UpdateLee Feinberg (NASA GSFC) & John Ziemer (NASA JPL)
Science Potential of HWOGiada Arney (NASA GSFC)
From Science to EngineeringAki Roberge (NASA GSFC) & John Ziemer
Technology Maturation RoadmapMatthew Bolcar (NASA GSFC) & Feng Zhao (NASA JPL)
Roman CGI to HWO CIMike McElwain (NASA GSFC) & Bertrand Mennesson (NASA JPL)

Splinter Meeting - Thursday, January 16, 2025

There was an HWO Splinter Session at the Winter AAS on Thursday, January 16, from 9 AM to 12:45 PM ET in Potomac Ballroom C. This session featured presentations from HWO’s Science Working Groups (9-10:35 AM), short science pop talks (10:50-11:20 AM), presentations from potential industry partners (11:20-11:50 AM), and a “HWO Open House” (11:50 AM – 12:45 PM) which enabled the community to have one-on-one conversations with HWO leadership, project, and Splinter Session presenters.

Connection Information

Members of the public are invited to join virtually through the WebEx platform.

  • Join Link
  • Webinar number: 2823 803 1714
  • Webinar Password: cBUTtWd@278
  • Join by Phone
    • +1-929-251-9612 United States Toll (New York City)
    • +1-415-527-5035 United States Toll
    • Phone password: 282 380 31714


Introduction | 9:00 - 10:35 AM

Topic Speaker(s)
IntroductionRaissa Estrela (NASA/JPL) and Rob Zellem (NASA GSFC)
WG - Living Worlds Giada Arney (NASA GSFC) and Niki Parenteau
WG- Evolution of the ElementsJanice Lee (STScI)
WG - Galaxy GrowthSwara Ravindranath (NASA GSFC) and Marc Postman (STScI)
WG - Solar System in ContextTyler Robinson (U Arizona) and Evgenya Shkolnik (ASU)
WG - Science Simulation and Engineering Interface Breann Sitarski (NASA GSFC) and Tom Green (NASA Ames)
WG - AI/MLMegan Ansdell (NASA HQ)
WG - Ground and Space Based Astronomy Rob Petre (NASA GSFC)
WG - ServicingJohn Grunsfeld (Endless Frontier Associates)

Science Pops | 10:50 AM - 11:20 AM

Jaren Ashcraft (UC Santa Barbara)
Joe Burchett (New Mexico State University)
Cody Carr (Zhejiang University)
Samantha Gilbert-Janizek (University of Washington)
Mary Anne Limbach (University of Michigan)
Susan Redmon (Caltech)
Jael Rojas (INAOE)
Julia Roman-Duval (STScI)
Adam Smercina (STScI)
Sarah Steiger (STScI)
Maggie Beth Turcotte (NASA Goddard)
Emily Witt (Johns Hopkins University)
John Wu (STScI)
Virisha Timmaraju (NASA/JPL)

Industry | 11:20 AM - 11:50 AM

Topic Speaker(s)
Technology Maturation for Astrophysics Space TelescopesDr. Alain Carrier (Lockheed Martin)
Status of the Ultra-stable Large Telescope Research and Analysis – Critical Technologies (ULTRA-CT) ProgramLaura Coyle (BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems) with Matthew East (L3-Harris Corporation)
Updates on the STABLE StudyTiffany Glassman (Northrop Grumman)

Open Table | 11:50 AM - 12:45 PM

Closing Remarks | 12:45 PM