When I arrived at JPL Monday evening, the discussion was still centered on the bright object seen the previous sol .
When I arrived at JPL Monday evening, the discussion was still centered on the bright object seen the previous sol . The Sol 62 plan was revised late in the planning day to acquire more images of this object. The resulting Mastcam and RMI images show that is not a screw, as initially feared, but it's not clear yet what it is. While it is being studied further, a Mastcam mosaic was planned for Sol 63 instead of continuing arm activities.
I was glad to see that the scooping activities had been going well, including vibration of the first scoopful of soil . We are all hoping that the arm activities will resume soon and that the bright object is benign.
Written by Ken Herkenhoff, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center