After a successful drive on Sol 812, Curiosity is well positioned for contact science at the Book Cliffs outcrop.
After a successful drive on Sol 812, Curiosity is well positioned for contact science at the Book Cliffs outcrop. We’ve been taking some really interesting MAHLI images lately, including this one from Sol 810 of the target " Potatoe " ). The plan today is to use the Dust Removal Tool to clear off a fresh surface at the lower part of Book Cliffs (at a target named "Punchbowl"), and then characterize the cleared surface using the MAHLI and APXS instruments. We’ll acquire MAHLI images under different lighting conditions to study the rock textures, and APXS will provide information about the bulk chemical composition of the target. We’ll also acquire MAHLI images of the target "Old Dad Mountain," which is a slightly more resistant part of the lower outcrop. The plan also includes imaging to prepare for possible contact science on the upper part of Book Cliffs, and a Navcam observation to monitor atmospheric activity above Mount Sharp. Looking forward to more contact science tomorrow !
Dates of planned rover activities described in these reports are subject to change due to a variety of factors related to the Martian environment, communication relays and rover status.
Written by Lauren Edgar, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center