Today we planned the weekend activities for Curiosity in Woodland Bay.
Today we planned the weekend activities for Curiosity in Woodland Bay. Woodland Bay is a location in Glen Torridon, in the clay bearing unit. Over the next three sols, we have scheduled for this area to be assessed by APXS, MAHLI, ChemCam, Mastcam, and Navcam.
On Sol 2424, the target "Morningside" will be analyzed by APXS. Then MAHLI will image the subtle morphological textures of "Morningside." ChemCam will also be used on targets: "Whiteadder," "Wester Ross," "West Wemyss," and "Water Haven." Mastcam images will be taken of all targets for geological context.
On Sol 2425, NavCam will take a short movie of the area in hopes of catching a dust devil. Dust devils have been spotted on Mars' surface, but we could always use more movies and pictures of them. "West Side" and "Morningside" will have multispectral images taken by Mastcam. Mastcam will also be used to document clouds in Mars' night sky.
On Sol 2426, ChemCam will have one target called "Watten." Navcam is scheduled to take four short 8 frame movie of clouds. These movies will be taken at different times of day and at different locations in the sky.
Written by Sarah Lamm, Planetary Geologist at Los Alamos National Laboratory