Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA)

As a distant stargazer and a neighborhood watchdog, NASA's WISE/NEOWISE spacecraft has scanned the sky around us – both far…

The Deep Space Network’s Goldstone planetary radar had a busy few days observing asteroids 2024 MK and 2011 UL21 as…

The fifth Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercise focused on an asteroid impact scenario designed by NASA JPL’s Center for Near…

During the close approach of 2008 OS7 with Earth on Feb. 2, the agency’s Deep Space Network planetary radar gathered…

OSIRIS-APEX, formerly OSIRIS-REx, will study the physical changes to asteroid Apophis after the asteroid’s rare close encounter with Earth in…

OSIRIS-REx, the first U.S. mission to collect an asteroid sample in 2020, delivered the sample to Earth on Sept. 24,…

Explore this page for a curated collection of resources for NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission.

NEO Surveyor is a new infrared space telescope that will expand NASA's ability to find potentially hazardous asteroids and comets.

What is WISE/NEOWISE? NASA’s WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) spacecraft was an infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope active from December 2009…