Lenticular Galaxies

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An oval-shaped galaxy seen tilted at an angle. It glows brightly at its core and radiates outward, dimming toward the edge of the oval. Reddish-brown, patchy dust spreads out from the core and covers much of the galaxy’s top half, as well as the outer edge, obscuring some of its light. Stars are visible around and in front of the galaxy.

Hubble Observes a Peculiar Galaxy Shape

2 min read

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image reveals the galaxy, NGC 4694. Most galaxies fall into one of two basic types.…

Article3 months ago
Lenticular galaxy NGC 4753 holds a bright-white core and surrounding, defined dust lanes around its nucleus that predominantly appear dark brown in color. A variety of faint stars fill the background of the image.

Hubble Views Cosmic Dust Lanes

2 min read

Featured in this new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is a nearly edge-on view of the lenticular galaxy…

Article8 months ago
Black background dotted with galaxies. A large, nearly edge-on galaxy fills the right side of the frame. Its dusty, orangish-brown silhouette extends from center-bottom to the upper-right while its bright-white, lens-shaped glow extends above and below its dust lane.

Hubble Records Rare Radio Galaxy

2 min read

Hubble is sharing a brand new galaxy image every day through October 7, 2023! Visit our website daily, or follow…

Article1 year ago
A large lenticular galaxy. It appears as faint, gray, concentric ovals that grow progressively brighter towards the bright core and fades away at the edge. Two threads of dark reddish-brown dust cross the galaxy’s disk, near its center. The background is black and mostly empty, with only a few point stars and small galaxies.

Hubble Spots a Dreamy Galaxy

2 min read

This dream-like image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features the galaxy known as NGC 3156. It lies about 73…

Article1 year ago
A galaxy, large and occupying most of the view from the center. The whole galaxy is made of smooth, diffuse light. The galaxy is surrounded by a smoky gray halo. Many stars shine around the galaxy, on a black background.

Hubble Sees Galaxy in a Ghostly Haze

2 min read

The lenticular galaxy NGC 6684 bathes this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in a pale light. Captured with Hubble’s Advanced Camera…

Article1 year ago
Lower left: Bright-white sphere of stars that is more diffuse toward its edges. Band of brown streaks arcs from the sphere's lower left to upper right where a face-on barred spiral galaxy shines in the distance. Black background dotted with stars.

Hubble Views a Beautiful Luminous Galaxy

1 min read

The lenticular galaxy NGC 5283 is the subject of this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image. NGC 5283 contains an active…

Article2 years ago
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