Mountain Rain or Snow
Did you know that most weather stations are unable to tell if it's raining or snowing? There’s still no better way to monitor what’s falling from the sky than with the human eye!
Mountain Rain or Snow asks you to tell them about rain and snow near you to support better weather and water resources forecasting. Your reports of precipitation type sent through the project’s smartphone browser tool will help scientists understand where current technology falls short.
18 and up
Earth Science
Mountain regions in the USA
What you'll do
- Use your smartphone to report what’s falling where you are: rain, snow, or mixed precipitation.
- Read monthly reports of results from the project.
- Time: Minutes to get the app; seconds per report
- Equipment: Smartphone
- Knowledge: Be able to distinguish among snow, rain, and wintry mix.
Get started!
- Visit the the project website.
- Look up your region’s keyword in our table.
- Text that keyword to 855-909-0798 to get your link to start using the browser-based Mountain Rain or Snow app.
- Report rain, snow, or mixed precipitation when it falls!
Learn More
Curious about something? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.
Wondering what’s been discovered through this project? Check out the Results Reports.
Get to know the people of Mountain Rain or Snow!