Citizen Science Stories

A young scientist is measuring the growth of plants in a laboratory setting. She is wearing glasses, a navy blue jacket, and a lanyard around her neck. She uses a wooden ruler to measure the height of leafy green plants growing in a black tray under bright LED lights. The background shows various scientific posters and equipment, including a shelf with additional plants and grow lights.

Seed Funding Proposals Due November 19 This Year!

2 min read

Since 2020, NASA’s Citizen Science Seed Funding Program (CSSFP) has launched 24 new projects to expand citizen science in professional research. This year, proposals are due by November 19, 2024, with optional Notices of Intent by October 1, 2024. The…

Article4 days ago

An Eclipse Megamovie Megastar

1 min read

Nazmus “Naz” Nasir is a software engineer by day, and an astrophotographer by night….and sometimes by day as well! This April, Naz participated in NASA’s Eclipse Megamovie 2024 project, photographing the total solar eclipse. He created a spectacular video composed of stabilized and aligned…

Article4 weeks ago
**Alt Text:** A person is working on a laptop with a screen displaying graphs and text. The screen has a large overlay with the text "Achievement Unlocked! Completed 2 full datasets!" The person's right hand is visible on the trackpad, and various browser tabs are open at the top of the screen, indicating an active and busy research session. The environment suggests a focus on data analysis and scientific work.

Happy Birthday, Redshift Wrangler!

2 min read

About one year ago the Redshift Wrangler project first asked you to help examine “spectra” of distant galaxies. These spectra are diagrams that show how much light we receive from them as a function of wavelength.  “Since launching on May 30, 2023,…

Article1 month ago
The image shows a road leading to a river or stream that is currently experiencing flooding. The road is blocked off with a yellow and black striped barrier and a sign that reads "AREA CLOSED DUE TO FLOODING." The water level in the river is high, and the current appears strong, with debris visible in the water. The surrounding area is lush with green trees and vegetation, indicating a rural or natural setting. The sky above is partly cloudy.

North Carolina Volunteers Work Toward Cleaner Well Water

2 min read

When the ground floods during a storm, floodwaters wash bacteria and other contaminants into private wells. But thanks to citizen scientists in North Carolina, we now know a bit more about how to deal with this problem. A new NASA-Funded study describes the…

Article2 months ago
### Descriptive 508 Compliant Alt Text: This infographic provides an overview of the 2023-2024 Mountain Rain or Snow observation season. **Left Side: 2023-2024 At a Glance** - Total Observations: 32,110 - Snow: 18,455 - Mix (rain and snow): 3,593 - Rain: 10,062 - There were 1,684 active observers, which is 615 more than last season. - The most observations from a single storm were 2,099 from March 1-3, 2024. - The region that sent the most reports in one day was Sierra Nevada. **Right Side: 2023-2024 Shoutouts** - Top Regions by Reports: 1. Central Basin and Range: 5,517 reports 2. Northeastern Highlands: 4,566 reports 3. Sierra Nevada: 4,402 reports - Leaderboard of Observers: 1. Patrick Thorson, Sierra Nevada: 676 reports 2. Chris Gotschalk, Western Montana: 471 reports 3. SV, The Netherlands: 440 reports 4. Karen O, Rocky Mountains: 388 reports 5. Marley Jennings, Northeast US: 343 reports 6. Mariah Blackhorse, Great Basin: 329 reports 7. Robert R, Sierra Nevada: 284 reports 8. Randall Bursk, Rocky Mountains: 280 reports 9. Bill Locke, Western Montana: 279 reports 10. Erin Grogan, Northeast US: 271 reports - Average Observer across all regions: 19 reports **Elevational Diversity Superstars** - Greatest Variety of Elevations: Craig Hall, Sierra Nevada, submitted from various elevation ranges. - Highest Elevation: Lauren H, Rocky Mountains, at 11,993 ft. - Greatest Range of Elevations: Nayoung Hur, Rocky Mountains, with a range of 8,849 ft between highest and lowest reports.

Mountain Rain or Snow Volunteers Broke Records This Winter

1 min read

The Mountain Rain or Snow project asks volunteers to track rain, snow, and mixed precipitation all winter long—and this was a winter like no other! This season, 1,684 people submitted precipitation observations—that’s about a third more than last season. These volunteers submitted over 32,110 observations, breaking…

Article2 months ago
A young boy with short dark hair and glasses is participating in a science art activity. He is wearing glasses, a green t-shirt and an apron splattered with paint. The child is smiling slightly while holding a paintbrush and working on a colorful painting in front of them. The painting features abstract shapes with a prominent central figure surrounded by a circular design. Various art supplies, including cups of water, paintbrushes, and paper towels, are arranged on the table. Other children and adults can be seen in the background, engaged in similar activities.

The Moon and Amaey Shah

8 min read

Sometimes a story about a NASA volunteer just grabs your heart and won’t let go. NASA Scientist Dr. Brian Day shared with us the incredible story of what first ignited his passion for involving the public in his scientific research.…

Article2 months ago
A composite screenshot of 12 participants on a video call.

Arizona Students Go on an Exoplanet Watch 

2 min read

Exoplanets, planets outside of our own solar system, hold the keys to finding extraterrestrial life and understanding the origin of our own world. Now online students at Arizona State University (ASU) in a new course called Exoplanet Research Experience have become exoplanet scientists by…

Article2 months ago

Discovery Alert: Mini-Neptune in Double Star System is a Planetary Puzzle

4 min read

The Discovery A planet that could resemble a smaller version of our own Neptune orbits one of two Sun-like stars that also orbit each other. The planet dwells in the “habitable zone,” with a potentially moderate temperature, and poses a…

Article2 months ago
A computer screen still frame of the Aurorasaurus application showing a map of the US with green and red dots indicating the probability of a visible aurora.

Aurorasaurus Roars During Historic Solar Storm

2 min read

The largest geomagnetic storm in 21 years lit up the sky last weekend, and NASA’s volunteers were ready. Between May 10th and 12th 2024, NASA’s Aurorasaurus project received an unprecedented number of reports from around the world. It also helped eager aurora chasers get a better view.

Article2 months ago
An image of the Sun shows a bright flash in the bottom right side where a solar flare erupts.

How NASA Tracked the Most Intense Solar Storm in Decades

5 min read

May 2024 has already proven to be a particularly stormy month for our Sun. During the first full week of May, a barrage of large solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched clouds of charged particles and magnetic fields…

Article2 months ago