At the top left of the image is a ground based image of Galaxy C38. It is viewed nearly edge on, so it appears to be just a spear of light with a thicker center due to the core. On the top right is a Hubble image showing a close up view of the arm of the galaxy, blue and white and purple dust enmeshed with countless stars. And at the bottom is the other Hubble image of the galaxy, with its dark thin arms due to the angle it is facing us, and a bright white core in the center.

Hubble Caldwell 38 Insets

A ground-based image from the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) in the upper left includes outlines that show the regions of Caldwell 38 (NGC 4565) targeted by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and Wide Field and Planetary Camera (WFPC2).

Credits: Ground-based image: Digitized Sky Survey; Hubble images: NASA and ESA