Glowing, clumpy streams of material moving left and right. Left side of the image is a bright-blue cloud slowly moving further to the left. Extending from the blue cloud is a tenuous strand of material moving toward the right. It appears to connect to a bright-white cloud at far right. This white cloud is also moving further to the right

Animation of Hubble Observations of Herbig-Haro 47

The glowing, clumpy streams of material shown moving left and right in this Hubble image are the signposts of star birth. Collectively named Herbig-Haro 47 (HH 47), the speedy outflows have been ejected episodically, like salvos from a cannon, from a young star in the center of the image that is hidden by dust. As they move through space, these outflows create bow shocks and ripples as they collide into other clouds of material in the neighborhood of the star.

Credits: NASA, ESA, P. Hartigan (Rice University), and G. Bacon (STScI)