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A spiral galaxy with a shining core at its center and winding spiral arms that extend outward. A bright point in the galaxy, just below the core, is the Type Ia supernova, SN2022zut. A white circle marks the supernova.

Hubble Images NGC 3810 (annotated)

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image depicts the spiral galaxy NGC 3810. The galaxy was part of a 2023 Hubble observing program to improve the accuracy of distance measurements made using Type Ia supernovae. Astronomers selected NGC 3810 because a white dwarf star in the galaxy went supernova, allowing Hubble to capture this image before the supernova faded from view. Astronomers name supernovae for their year of discovery, followed by an incrementing tag of letters — a, b, and so on. Automated surveys capture thousands of supernovae every year. This one received the name SN 2022zut, and is the eighteen thousand, one hundred and forty-second supernova found in 2022!

Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, D. Sand, R. J. Foley