Photo of the Hubble team standing on stage at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Hubble Team Photo 2023

Pictured above is the Hubble team at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, as of Hubble’s 33rd year of flight. Since Hubble’s official start in 1977, thousands of people from the United States and Europe have supported the mission through building and testing hardware and software, operating the vehicle, and performing science operations. More than 30 astronauts have flown to Hubble to deploy, upgrade and repair the observatory with the support of a human spaceflight and space shuttle staff. Thousands of astronomers from dozens of countries have used Hubble and analyzed its data to produce more than 20,000 peer reviewed papers to date.

Credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Rob Andreoli