The bottom half of the image shows N11. Glowing clouds of pink and red gas and dust fill the image, along with several stars – foreground stars shine with diffraction spikes, and more distant stars fill the background. Above it to the right, a smaller image shows a starry region of space with orange tendrils of gas and dust with a white rectangle designating the portion that shows N11. To its left, another small image shows a wide view of a diffuse galaxy with a white rectangle designating the portion that shows N11. To its left, white text reads “LMC - N11”.


This inset image shows where N11 is located within the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Credits: NASA, ESA, J. M. Apellaniz (Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA Inst. Nac. de Tec. Aero.), ESO VMC Survey, and DSS2; Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)