Stars and galaxies mingle in a clump

MACS J0454.1-0300

Galaxy clusters are some of the most massive structures that can be found in the Universe — large groups of galaxies bound together by gravity. This image reveals one of these clusters, known as MACS J0454.1-0300. Each of the bright spots seen here is a galaxy, and each is home to many millions, or even billions, of stars. Astronomers have determined its mass to be around 180 trillion times the mass of the Sun. Several objects appear to be dramatically elongated and are seen as sweeping arcs. These are galaxies located at vast distances behind the cluster — their image has been amplified, but also distorted, as their light passes through MACS J0454.1-0300. This process, known as gravitational lensing, is an extremely valuable tool for astronomers as they peer at very distant objects.

Credits: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Nick Rose