This picture shows a comparison of images of the same region of the sky obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (right) and the Subaru 8 meter telescope's Supreme camera. The region is an area from the GOODS North field. Both images are color composites obtained by combining three monochromatic images taken through blue, visible and infrared filters.

Comparison of Imaging from the Ground and Space

This picture shows a comparison of images of the same region of the sky obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (right) and the Subaru 8 meter telescope's Supreme camera. The region is an area from the GOODS North field. Both images are color composites obtained by combining three monochromatic images taken through blue, visible and infrared filters.

Credits: NASA, Mauro Giavalisco, Lexi Moustakas, Peter Capak, Len Cowie and the GOODS Team