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NASA Scientific Visualization Studio Heliophysics Galleries

Title "Scientific Visualization Studio" above a large "Heliophysics Galleries" Titile above three small images of the yellow Sun
Image of the Sun in extreme ultraviolet taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory.
  • Introductory (K-5)
  • Intermediate (6-8)
  • Advanced (9-12+)
Heliophysics Topics
  • coronal_mass_ejection
  • solar_flare
  • aurora
  • space_weather
Heliophysics Missions
  • solar_dynamics_observatory_sdo

Search over 8,800 visuals on how NASA does science, making real NASA data accessible to your students. Visit the Galleries to find three heliophysics collections of visualizations, including visualizations on solar flares, CMEs, auroras, and more!