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Astromaterials SME & Lunar Curator Shares How Lunar Samples Connect the Past, Present & Future

Astromaterials SME & Lunar Curator Shares How Lunar Samples Connect the Past, Present & Future

On March 11, 2020, Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Deputy Apollo Curator, Dr. Juliane Gross, shared details about how lunar sample investigations, including ANGSA & the recently opened core sample, studies of other Apollo samples & meteorites continue to contribute to knowledge about the Moon.

The event reached ~485 student and educator live participants and 504+ archived participants across 18 states.

Numerous Science Activation partner audiences were reached including Solar System Ambassadors, Museum staff, Librarians, as well as classroom teachers and their students (grades 3- 12).

Participant Quotes:

Webinar slide titled