Studying the Gruithuisen Domes
NASA Science Payloads
Firefly's Blue Ghost 3 lander will deliver six NASA science payloads to the Gruithuisen Domes which provide invaluable data to the lunar science community by addressing topics like regolith behavior, interior composition, and more.
Science, Exploration, and Technology Goals
Lunar Surface Material
You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can definitely learn a good amount about the Moon by studying its surface material. The surface material at the Gruithuisen Domes is unique and fascinating — remotely sensed data indicates its regolith is rich in very uncommon (for the Moon) materials. If we're going to study this area more in the future (and we will), we need to understand the unique properties of Gruithuisen Domes regolith as compared to other lunar regolith. Regolith samples collected by SAMPLR will help us better understand the Moon's history and geologic processes. Lunar-VISE and Heimdall will teach us about the way regolith behaves when affected by plumes, which will inform future mission and instrument design.
Environmental and Atmospheric Effects on Measurements
We are constantly studying the Moon. Instruments like those on board Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) are capturing remotely-sensed data from the lunar surface around the clock. Science payloads we send to the surface of the Moon will also capture important data. So when there are atmospheric or environmental factors that might influence those measurements, it's extremely important to understand what those are and how they factor into our assessments. Neutrons measured at the lunar surface by NMLS and radio interference measured by ROLSES will help us calibrate our science takeaways from other instruments.
Unique Geological Formations
The Gruithuisen Domes are geologically fascinating. While they have a unique elemental composition, the Moon doesn't have the conditions required to create that same composition on Earth. What gives? Lunar-VISE will perform spectral imaging of composition and morphology to analyze regolith on the Domes, providing an enormous contribution to our data sets. This could help explain the formation of the Domes, as well as the entire Moon. Furthermore, the advanced imagery capabilities of Lunar-VISE and Heimdall will help us establish a thorough, detailed view of the local terrain that will provide useful data for autonomous vehicle navigation, influence instrument deployment locations, and identify potential geological hazards nearby.
Enhanced Payload Support
As we send our payloads into space that will assist us with incredible science and historical discoveries, we need to support them. On CP-21, SAMPLR will provide adaptability, maneuverability, and reach. It will raise and align Heimdall cameras to significantly improve visibility and field of view. It can even provide a supportive pat on the back.
Solar Array Performance
We've been using solar energy to power our lunar equipment since the Vanguard 1 satellite in 1958. Suffice to say, solar technology has come a long way since then. We plan on using solar power as the primary energy resource for future experiments, exploration, and human habitation, so we want to make sure we provide those missions with solar resources that are optimized for the unforgiving lunar surface environment. PILS contains an array of different solar panels that will allow us to compare and contrast engineering, fabrication, and maintenance techniques that will enable us to develop and deploy ideal solar solutions in the future.

Lunar Vulkan Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer
PI: Kerri Donaldson-Hanna, University of Central Florida
Remote sensing data indicates that the Gruithuisen Domes were created by magma rich in silica, but here on Earth, that requires oceans of liquid water and plate tectonics — two things the Moon doesn’t have. To shed some light on this Moon mystery, we’re sending Lunar-VISE, a suite of science payloads that will be affixed to a rover and a lander.
The rover will carry a high-resolution camera, VNIR Imaging Camera (LV-VIC) and a multispectral camera and radiometer called Compact Infrared Imaging System (LV-CIRiS). LV-VIC will capture extremely high-resolution imagery at the same wavelengths as the human eye and LV-CIRiS will capture temperature imagery. Used in concert, we’ll be able to establish the physical properties of the surrounding lunar surface material. The rover will also carry the Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (LV-GRNS) which measures the composition and abundances of lunar surface material.
The lander will be equipped with Context and Descent Cameras (LV-CC and LV-DC). LV-CC will take images of the full landing site throughout the experiment, which will allow us to observe any potential changes nearby as well as providing navigational guidance for the rover. LV-DC will image the surface at a very high frame rate during the landing, allowing us to study and monitor the behavior of lunar surface material at the landing site.
PI: Dr. Aileen Yingst, Planetary Science Institute
We plan to spend quite a bit of time exploring the lunar surface in the future, and to do that efficiently and effectively, we need a better understanding of the physical properties of regolith.
Heimdall is a four-camera system that will be mounted on SAMPLR. It will analyze regolith during all mission stages, from landing to firmly planted and stable on the lunar surface. The Descent Imager (HeiDI) will assess how far particles spread during landing and how long they stay lofted. The Workspace Imager will capture interactions between the surface and SAMPLR to better understand direct physical interactions. The Regolith Imager will provide the highest-ever resolution images of the undisturbed lunar surface. Finally, the Panoramic Imager will give a panoramic view of the surrounding surface, providing geologic context for research, and data that could potentially support future autonomous navigation systems and highlight potential exploration hazards.
Sample Acquisition, Morphology Filtering, and Probing of Lunar Regolith
PI: Sean Dougherty, Maxar Technologies
Adaptability is critical when it comes to lunar exploration, especially on uncrewed missions where we don’t have people to lend us a hand (literally) in the placement and collection of samples and payloads. SAMPLR is our lunar surface proxy. It will be the first US robotic arm on the Moon in more than 50 years. It will be both a useful sample collection tool as well as the ultimate support technology for other payloads by expanding data collection possibilities.
Within CP-21, SAMPLR will use a sieve-scoop and penetrometer to collect regolith samples while supporting mounted Heimdall cameras, which will provide a significantly enhanced field of vision for imagery data collection.
Neutron Measurements at the Lunar Surface
PI: Heidi Haviland, Marshall Space Flight Center
As we study the Moon locally and remotely, the data we capture improves with context. In CP-21, NMLS will assess neutron levels at the lunar surface which will provide invaluable context for data collected from many important sources.
NMLS will determine the amount of neutron radiation at the surface of the Moon by measuring the thermal and epithermal count rates. This data will improve the accuracy of assessments we make based on data captured by sources like the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Lunar Prospector missions. NMLS measurements could also help identify other elements present, provide insight into processes that shape the Moon, and even teach us about future human habitability on the lunar surface.
Radio wave Observation at the Lunar Surface of the photo-Electron Sheath
PI: Natchimuthuk “Nat” Gopalswamy, Goddard Space Flight Center
It’s important for us to understand how organic and human-made activity could affect science and habitation on the lunar surface. From the thin electron sheath just above the lunar surface to Earth-based radio activity to cosmic radiation to dust impacting the lunar surface to emissions coming from all around the Milky Way galaxy, there is quite a bit of “noise” that we need to account for in our science operations. Studying radio emissions helps us understand this noise.
ROLSES will collect radio data from a low-frequency radio receiver system to determine the density of this electron sheath. Consisting of four antennas, the instrument is a low-frequency radio spectrometer to provide radio spectra (from 10 kHz - 10 MHz, or possibly 30 MHz) ~0-2 m above the lunar surface, using antennas at 1 m and 2 m above the surface. We’ll learn quite a bit from this data; it should teach us how “noise” could affect measurements and instrumentation. This information will be invaluable in designing and implementing future science and habitation missions.
Photovoltaic Investigation on the Lunar Surface
PI: Jeremiah McNatt, Glenn Research Center
Electronics require electricity, and since we can’t seem to find an extension cable that runs from Earth to the Moon, we’ve been relying on solar power since the Apollo missions over 50 years ago. And much like phones and computers, solar technology has advanced quite a bit in that time. We need to put our updated solar components to the test in the rugged lunar environment.
PILS contains a small array of different solar technologies. We will collect data from each one, comparing the results to gain insight into the lunar environment’s effects on charging capabilities and establishing which solar array types perform more effectively and efficiently while maintaining operability. Lessons we learn from PILS will be an important step as we work towards a long-term human presence on the Moon.