Aura Stories

This image is an animated version of the Aura satellite in orbit. The satellite, seen centered in the image, is made up of silver and gold box-like shapes and instruments. Spanning out to the right of the satellite is a long sheet of solar panels. In the background of the image at the bottom is a portion of Earth seen with clouds and a blue haze surrounding it. The top of the background is the deep black of space, with a cluster of green colored stars to the left.

NASA Celebrates 20 Years of Earth-Observing Aura Satellite

4 min read

A few of the many highlights from the last 20 years since Aura Launched.

Article1 week ago

2023 Ozone Hole Ranks 16th Largest, NASA and NOAA Researchers Find

4 min read

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to clarify the ranking of the 2023 ozone hole.  It is the 12th largest single-day hole on record, and the 16th largest when averaged from Sept. 7 to Oct. 13. The 2023 Antarctic…

Article9 months ago

Ozone Hole Continues Shrinking in 2022, NASA and NOAA Scientists Say

3 min read

The annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an average area of 8.9 million square miles (23.2 million square kilometers) between Sept. 7 and Oct. 13, 2022. This depleted area of the ozone layer over the South Pole was slightly smaller than last…

Article2 years ago

2021 Antarctic Ozone Hole 13th-Largest, Will Persist into November

3 min read

The 2021 Antarctic ozone hole reached its maximum area on Oct. 7 and ranks 13th-largest since 1979, scientists from NASA and NOAA reported today. This year’s ozone hole developed similarly to last year’s: A colder than usual Southern Hemisphere winter led…

Article3 years ago

Protecting the Ozone Layer Also Protects Earth’s Ability to Sequester Carbon

4 min read

Protecting the ozone layer also protects Earth’s vegetation and has prevented the planet from an additional 0.85 degrees Celsius of warming, according to new research from Lancaster University, NASA, and others. This new study in Nature demonstrates that by protecting…

Article3 years ago

NASA Study Finds Reduced African Grassland Fires Contribute to Short-lived Air Quality Improvements

3 min read

NASA researchers have found a small but unexpected decrease in air pollution over some parts of Africa despite growing use of fossil fuels in many countries due to development and economic growth. However, they note the findings were evident only…

Article3 years ago

Seeing the COVID-19 Pandemic from Space

2 min read

Economic and social shutdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to noticeable changes in Earth’s environment, at least for the short term. NASA researchers are using satellite and ground-based observations to track these impacts on our air, land,…

Article4 years ago

Large, Deep Antarctic Ozone Hole Persisting into November

5 min read

Persistent cold temperatures and strong circumpolar winds, also known as the polar vortex, supported the formation of a large and deep Antarctic ozone hole that should persist into November, NOAA and NASA scientists reported today. The annual Antarctic ozone hole…

Article4 years ago

NASA Fosters Innovative Ways to Understand Biodiversity

11 min read

The Yellow-billed Cuckoo has soft brown wings, a white belly, a long tail with black and white spots, and is running out of places to live. The cuckoo’s population in its native breeding range in the eastern United States has…

Article4 years ago

NASA Funds Four Research Projects on COVID-19 Impacts

6 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the routines of millions of people around the world seemingly overnight. In some places, once-congested streets are now easily navigable; previously crammed sidewalks, eerily vacant. Such widespread, rapid change in human activity is unprecedented and its…

Article4 years ago