Cassini Stories


NASA Study Finds Life-Sparking Energy Source and Molecule at Enceladus

5 min read

A study zooms in on data that NASA’s Cassini gathered at Saturn’s icy moon and finds evidence of a key ingredient for life and a supercharged source of energy to fuel it. Scientists have known that the giant plume of…

Article9 months ago

Cassini Top 10 Images of 2011

1 min read

Where were you during the storm? In 2011, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft circled Saturn for a front-row view of the huge storm there. One of those looks made the mission scientists’ list of Top 10 images of 2011. What else made…

Article10 months ago

Cassini Top 10 Images of 2012

1 min read

As the Cassini spacecraft roams the Saturnian system, each year it opens new windows on an amazing corner of our solar system. Images of mighty Saturn, its majestic rings, and the dynamic moons continue to stun us, offering ever-changing vistas…

Article10 months ago

Cassini Top 10 Images of 2013

1 min read

We’ve shared 150 press images through 40 news releases and special features during 2013. As the Cassini science team members look forward to a great 2014 and beyond, here’s a look back at their top ten 10 images of the…

Article10 months ago

Cassini 10 Years at Saturn Top Images

1 min read

The Cassini team is proud to celebrate 10 years since arriving at Saurn with this collection of images selected by members of the team. Enceladus North Pole Montage Peering Through Titan’s Haze Water World Enceladus Up-Close Saturnian Snowman A Fractured…

Article10 months ago

Cassini Top 10 Images of 2014

1 min read

As the Cassini science team members look forward to a great 2015 and beyond, here’s a look back at their top 10 images of 2014. Translucent Rings Color Map of Mimas (2014) Circling Saturn Specular Spectacular Mysterious Changing Feature in…

Article10 months ago

Cassini Top 10 Images – 2015

1 min read

As the Cassini science team members look forward to a great 2016 and beyond, here’s a look back at their top 10 images of 2015. Enceladus North Pole Montage Peering Through Titan’s Haze Water World Enceladus Up-Close Saturnian Snowman A…

Article10 months ago

NASA Cassini Data Reveals Building Block for Life in Enceladus’ Ocean

6 min read

Phosphorus, a key chemical element for many biological processes, has been found in icy grains emitted by the small moon and is likely abundant in its subsurface ocean. Using data collected by NASA’s Cassini mission, an international team of scientists has…

Article1 year ago

Saturn’s Rings: Young and Ephemeral, Three NASA Ames Studies Say

5 min read

Three recent studies by scientists at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley examine data from NASA’s Cassini mission and provide evidence that Saturn’s rings are both young and ephemeral – in astronomical terms, of course.

Article1 year ago
Full view of Saturn partially illuminated by the Sun.

10 Things: Why Cassini Mattered

2 min read

The Cassini spacecraft has been gone for a year now, but the science continues. Here are 10 reasons why Cassini mattered...

Article2 years ago