Dawn Stories

Lab Work Digs Into Gullies Seen on Giant Asteroid Vesta by NASA’s Dawn
4 min read
Known as flow formations, these channels could be etched on bodies that would seem inhospitable to liquid because they are exposed to the extreme vacuum conditions of space. Pocked with craters, the surfaces of many celestial bodies in our solar…

Mystery Solved: Bright Areas on Ceres Come From Salty Water Below
6 min read
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft gave scientists extraordinary close-up views of the dwarf planet Ceres, which lies in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. By the time the mission ended in October 2018, the orbiter had dipped to less than…

NASA’s Dawn Mission Honored by Space Foundation
2 min read
The Space Foundation presented NASA’s Dawn mission with the 2019 John L. “Jack” Swigert, Jr., Award for Space Exploration at the opening ceremony of the foundation’s 35th Space Symposium on April 8, 2019. Dawn is managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion…