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Landsat 8 / LDCM Stories

NASA Data Reveals Role of Green Spaces in Cooling Cities
5 min read

As any urban dweller who has lived through a heat wave knows, a shady tree can make all the difference. But what happens when there’s no shade available? A recent study in Nature Communications used NASA satellite data to identify…

NASA Open Science Initiative Expands OpenET Across Amazon Basin  
2 min read

The research teams who help sustain the largest freshwater reserve in the world are developing a new tool to promote more resilient farming systems in Brazil. The goal is to help farmers better handle changes in the water cycle, deal…

Evapotranspiration: Watching Over Water Use
3 min read

As soil and other surfaces dry, water is transferred into the air as water vapor. That is evaporation. Plants actively release water, moving it out of their leaves and stems and into the drier air. That is transpiration. Combine the…
