NuSTAR Stories

NASA Telescopes Find New Clues About Mysterious Deep Space Signals

6 min read

Using two of the agency’s X-ray telescopes, researchers were able to zoom in on a dead star’s erratic behavior as it released a bright, brief burst of radio waves. What’s causing mysterious bursts of radio waves from deep space? Astronomers…

Article5 months ago

Brightest Cosmic Explosion Ever Detected Had Other Unique Features

6 min read

Observations by NASA’s NuSTAR X-ray telescope give astronomers new clues about the brightest and most energetic gamma-ray burst ever detected.

Article1 year ago

NASA’s TESS Celebrates Fifth Year Scanning the Sky for New Worlds

6 min read

Now in its fifth year in space, NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) remains a rousing success. TESS’s cameras have mapped more than 93% of the entire sky, discovered 329 new worlds and thousands more candidates, and provided new insights…

Article1 year ago

NASA Study Helps Explain Limit-Breaking Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources

5 min read

These objects are more than 100 times brighter than they should be. Observations by the agency’s NuSTAR X-ray telescope support a possible solution to this puzzle.

Article1 year ago

NASA’s NuSTAR Telescope Reveals Hidden Light Shows on the Sun

4 min read

Some of the hottest spots in the Sun’s atmosphere appear in the telescope’s X-ray view. Even on a sunny day, human eyes can’t see all the light our nearest star gives off. A new image displays some of this hidden…

Article1 year ago

NASA Science To Be Featured at American Astronomical Society Meeting

6 min read

Experts will discuss new research from NASA missions at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), on topics ranging from the universe’s early galaxies to planets outside our solar system. The meeting will take place Jan. 8-12 at the…

Article1 year ago

NASA Gets Unusually Close Glimpse of Black Hole Snacking on Star

6 min read

Recent observations of a black hole devouring a wandering star may help scientists understand more complex black hole feeding behaviors. Multiple NASA telescopes recently observed a massive black hole tearing apart an unlucky star that wandered too close. Located about…

Article2 years ago

NASA’s IXPE Reveals Shape, Orientation of Hot Matter Around Black Hole

4 min read

Cygnus X-1, discovered in 1964, was the first cosmic object ever identified as containing a black hole. Now, NASA telescopes have teamed up to reveal new details about the configuration of hot matter surrounding this famous black hole. In a…

Article2 years ago

NASA’s NuSTAR Mission Celebrates 10 Years Studying the X-Ray Universe

6 min read

After a decade of observing some of the hottest, densest, and most energetic regions in our universe, this small but powerful space telescope still has more to see. NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) is turning 10. Launched on June…

Article2 years ago

NASA’s NuSTAR Makes Illuminating Discoveries With ‘Nuisance’ Light

6 min read

A design quirk in the X-ray observatory has made it possible for astronomers to use previously unwanted light to study even more cosmic objects than before. For almost 10 years, NASA’s NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) X-ray space observatory has…

Article2 years ago