OCO-3 Stories

NASA Space Missions Pinpoint Sources of CO2 Emissions on Earth

4 min read

A case study involving Europe’s largest coal-fired power plant shows space-based observations can be used to track carbon dioxide emissions – and reductions – at the source. A duo of Earth-observing missions has enabled researchers to detect and track carbon…

Article2 years ago

20 Years of Observing Earth from the International Space Station

8 min read

After 20 years of continuous human presence, the International Space Station (ISS) has provided 241 visitors with an extraordinary view of Earth from outer space — one they have shared with the rest of the world. Astronaut photography, formally called…

Article4 years ago

Study: Decaying Urban Greenery Plays a Surprising Role in Carbon Emissions

6 min read

A new study tracing the sources of carbon dioxide, the most significant human-generated greenhouse gas, reveals the unexpectedly large influence of vegetation in urban environments. Burning fossil fuels in densely populated regions greatly increases the level of the greenhouse gas,…

Article4 years ago