Dark Energy
Roman will help illuminate the dark energy puzzle by using multiple methods to explore how the universe has evolved throughout cosmic history.
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In little more than a generation, we’ve gone from knowing only of our own solar system to finding thousands of more distant worlds, known as exoplanets. As new exoplanet discoveries continue to pour in, scientists are building an ever-more-complete catalog of the worlds that grace our galaxy.
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Dark Matter
Scientists are trying to determine what dark matter is made of, but our current understanding has many gaps. Roman will provide clarity by exploring the structure and distribution of both normal matter and dark matter across space and time.
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Observing with Roman Surveys
The Roman Space Telescope's exquisite sensitivity and fast survey speed will unveil the evolving universe in ways that have never been possible before.
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General Investigator Program
Scientists will be able to submit proposals for funding to support science investigations with Roman.
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Large Area Near-Infrared Surveys
While Roman is designed to probe specific topics like dark energy, its wide, deep observations will provide a treasure trove of data scientists can also use for a broad range of additional investigations.
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