Van Allen Probes Stories

Ten Highlights From NASA’s Van Allen Probes Mission

6 min read

After seven years of operations, and upon finally running out of propellant, the second of the twin Van Allen Probes spacecraft will be retired on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019. Spacecraft A of the Van Allen Probes mission will be shut…

Article5 years ago

First of Two Van Allen Probes Spacecraft Ceases Operations

2 min read

On July 19, 2019, at 1:27 p.m. EDT, mission operators sent a shutdown command to one of two Van Allen Probes spacecraft, known as spacecraft B, from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, or APL, in Laurel, Maryland. As…

Article5 years ago

NASA’s Van Allen Probes Begin Final Phase of Exploration in Earth’s Radiation Belts

4 min read

Two tough, resilient, NASA spacecraft have been orbiting Earth for the past six and a half years, flying repeatedly through a hazardous zone of charged particles around our planet called the Van Allen radiation belts. The twin Van Allen Probes,…

Article5 years ago

The Case of the Relativistic Particles Solved with NASA Missions

3 min read

Encircling Earth are two enormous rings — called the Van Allen radiation belts — of highly energized ions and electrons. Various processes can accelerate these particles to relativistic speeds, which endanger spacecraft unlucky enough to enter these giant bands of…

Article6 years ago

Studying the Van Allen Belts 60 Years After America’s First Spacecraft

5 min read

Tick, tick, tick. The device — a Geiger counter strapped to a miniature tape recorder — was registering radiation levels a thousand times greater than anyone expected. As the instrument moved higher, more than 900 miles above the surface, the…

Article6 years ago

All Missions On Board for NASA Heliophysics Research

4 min read

Scientists have been studying the near-Earth environment for the better part of a century, but many mysteries — like where the energetic particles that pervade the area originate and become energized — still remain. In a new type of collaborative…

Article7 years ago

NASA’s Van Allen Probes Survive Extreme Radiation Five Years On

3 min read

Most satellites, not designed to withstand high levels of particle radiation, wouldn’t last a day in the Van Allen Radiation belts. Trapped by Earth’s magnetic field into two giant belts around the planet, high-energy particles in the region can batter…

Article7 years ago

NASA Mission Surfs through Waves in Space to Understand Space Weather

3 min read

The space surrounding our planet is full of restless charged particles and roiling electric and magnetic fields, which create waves around Earth. One type of wave, plasmaspheric hiss, is particularly important for removing charged particles from the Van Allen radiation…

Article7 years ago

Space Weather Events Linked to Human Activity

5 min read

Our Cold War history is now offering scientists a chance to better understand the complex space system that surrounds us. Space weather — which can include changes in Earth’s magnetic environment — are usually triggered by the sun’s activity, but…

Article7 years ago

NASA’s Van Allen Probes Spot Man-Made Barrier Shrouding Earth

3 min read

Humans have long been shaping Earth’s landscape, but now scientists know we can shape our near-space environment as well. A certain type of communications — very low frequency, or VLF, radio communications — have been found to interact with particles…

Article7 years ago