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ICONS Internships

Inspiring Clipper: Opportunities for Next-generation Scientists (ICONS) offers undergraduate internship opportunities to develop and sustain the Europa science community who will eventually lead the extended mission to Jupiter's icy moon.

Jupiter's moon Europa with an illustration of the Europa Clipper spacecraft in front of it.

Europa ICONS

The new Inspiring Clipper: Opportunities for Next-generation Scientists (ICONS) internships will bring members of the Europa Clipper science team together with undergraduate students for a 10-week internship that gives students the opportunity to conduct original scientific research.

Internships may be in-person at the mentor's institution, virtual, or hybrid, depending on the research project and needs of the mentor and intern.

Near the end of the 10 weeks, students and mentors will convene for an in-person conference, with travel, lodging, and per diem covered by NASA.

Interns will receive a $12,000 stipend for the duration of the program, and may be eligible for travel, housing, and relocation allowances, depending on the location of their research activities.

For dates of the internship program, please see

See below for more program details.

Questions? Contact Amanda Nahm, Europa Clipper deputy program scientist, at

Participation Information for Students

  • Enrollment as an undergraduate STEM student at a U.S. degree-granting institution, including community colleges, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • May be in person, fully virtual, or travel back and forth regularly.
  • Must be U.S. citizens. U.S. citizens enrolled at non-U.S. institutions are also eligible to apply but must be in the U.S. for the internship (whether in person or virtual).
  • Provide resumes/CVs, transcripts, and short description of interest, uploaded to “Supporting Documents” in your application on STEM Gateway.
  • Stipends of $12,000 for 10 weeks, with a travel/relocation stipend also possible.
  • Travel/lodging and related costs will be covered for the end-of-program mini conference.

meet the mentors

blonde woman standing by railing at mountain top

Planetary Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio

brown-haired man in blue dress shirt with his arms folded, smiling

Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin

Professor of Geology, Wheaton College, Massachusetts

blonde woman in green cowl-necked cable-knit sweater, smiling, arms folded, in from of hyperwall

Planetary Scientist, Brown University, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Short-haired person in orange, short-sleeved shirt over brown T-shirt, smiling, standing on some rocks at a beach

Ph.D. Student in Astronomy, Cornell University

short-haired blonde man in blue quarter-zip with red T-shirt underneath, smiling in from of planetary globes

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Planetary Science, Geophysics, and Planetary Exploration, University of Illinois, Chicago

Formal portrait of man with dark hair and glasses in black suit with black and gold striped tie, white shirt

Lead Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas

blond man in quarter profile in light blue, chevron-patterned dress shirt in front of natural background

Assistant Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder

Mission identifier with stylized blue ice crystal over mission name

Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of Idaho

head shot of short-haired man in white button-down shirt

Planetary Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

man with straight black hair in blue T-shirt with backpack and rocky background

Research Scientist, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder

wavy dark-haired man with glasses in black short-sleeved dress shirt in formal headshot

Planetary Geophysicist and fellow, UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, University of California Santa Cruz

Mission identifier with stylized blue ice crystal over mission name

Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of Colorado, Boulder

woman with blonde braid and glasses, brown cardigan over elephant-print batik-style blouse, hand on her hip, smiling in front of the Europa Clipper clean room window

Project Staff Scientist, Europa Clipper mission, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

head shot of woman with long, brown wavy hair, black v-necked sweater, in front of window

Planetary Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

woman with straight, shoulder-length hair, yellow floral blouse in a green space

Group Lead, In Situ Techniques Group, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio

bearded man with glasses in black ball cap, windbreaker, jeans, holding a pumpkin in a pumpkin patch

Principal Staff Scientist, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty, Clark Honors College, University of Oregon, Eugene

Photoshop-generated illustration of dark-haired woman, hair pulled back, with glasses and blue patterned blouse

Planetary Geologist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

woman with layered, mid-length blonde hair, red glasses, speaking a mic with dark blue blouse, cobalt-blue pendant necklace

Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute, Pasadena. California

headshot of man with short, dark hair in black collared shirt

Experimental Physicist and Planetary Scientist, UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program

man with goatee, wearing tan ball cap and blue T-shirt, taking selfie in front of crowd watching weather system in the distance

Planetary Scientist, UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program

brown-haired man with light beard, wearing light gray quarter zip and dark T-Shirt underneath, standing in front of greenery similar to palm trees

Assistant Research Scientist, Arizona State University

seated, goateed man in red knit cap holding diving helmet and wearing full diving gear

Senior Staff Scientist, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas

casual headshot of brown-haired man in light blue shirt with dark T-shirt underneath

Associate Professor, Geophysics and Electrical Engineering, and Senior Fellow, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University

headshot of smiling blonde man in magenta-colored collard shirt

Planetary Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

brown-haired man in round, wire-rimmed glasses and blue T-Shirt against wood panel background

Research Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

blonde woman with straight, shoulder-length hair, wearing rectangular glasses, black cardigan and burgundy patterned blouse

Planetary Scientist and Hypervelocity Impact Physicist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

woman with long, blonde hair, wearing dark camel-hair coat over white blouse in outdoor garden-type setting

Astronomer, Planetary Scientist, and Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University

man with brushed back dark hair and glasses, broad smile, wearing orange v-necked sweather with thin black-with-white border stripe across chest, black piping at the neck, and yellow T-shirt underneath

Planetary Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas

woman with half-pulled back long, gray hair, wearing black top

Planetary Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

bearded man with teal sport jacket holding microphone in front of hyperwall

Deputy Manager, Planetary Science Section, NASA JPL

headshot of woman with long amber-colored hair wearing black blazer and burgundy crew neck top

Staff Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas

head shot of man with brown hair and gray sideburns, wearing green quarter-zip with blue T-shirt underneath

Research Associate Professor, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics