2 min read

Amendment 19: B.16 Heliophysics Mission Concept Studies Due Date Delayed.

B.16 Heliophysics Mission Concept Studies (HMCS) solicits six-month-long mission concept studies that are part of community preparation for the next Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey. These studies will be conducted by the proposal team, using mission design capabilities included in the proposal, and will result in a final mission concept report delivered to NASA. Additionally, NASA will support awardees submitting and briefing the mission concept to the Decadal Survey Committee.

NASA is pleased that the community science discussions in preparation for the Heliophysics 2050 Workshop resulted in proposers recognizing potential refinements and improvements in their mission concepts. To enable those points to be fully incorporated into the proposals, the proposal deadline has been delayed.

Proposal teams must include all scientific and engineering resources necessary to complete the studies. NASA will not provide access to mission design groups as part of awards; however, a list of mission design groups that are interested in partnering with proposers is posted on the HMCS NSPIRES page.

ROSES-2021 Amendment 19 delays the proposal due date for B.16 HMCS. The proposals are now due on June 23, 2021. Notices of Intent were encouraged but not required, so Proposals may be submitted without an NOI.

On or about May 12, 2021, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021" (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2021

Questions concerning B.16 HMCS may be directed to Jared Leisner at jared.s.leisner@nasa.gov.



Last Updated
Sep 11, 2023
NASA Science Editorial Team
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