1 min read

Amendment 13: Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse Not Solicited.

The intention of Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse (ROSES-20 program element B.17) was to support research applied to the total solar eclipse visible on from the southern hemisphere and partial eclipse visible from some regions in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica.

However, the successful implementation of this program would require extensive logistics (aircraft to host experiments, site visits, international agreements) be in place soon, in face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Out of concern for the health and safety of the international science community, we are cancelling the Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse ROSES-2020 element. NASA intends to support research on eclipses in the future.

On or about April 8, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020" (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020.

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Madhulika Guhathakurta, who may be reached at madhulika.guhathakurta@nasa.gov.



Last Updated
Sep 11, 2023
NASA Science Editorial Team
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