1 min read

Amendment 33: D.3 APRA and D.7 SAT Deferred to ROSES-2020

This amendment defers till ROSES-2020 the release of program elements D.3 Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA) and D.7 Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT).

When ROSES-2019 was released D.3 APRA and D.7 SAT were listed as "TBD" in anticipation of the release of final text for these program elements. For the reasons described in the Dear Colleague Letter from Astrophysics Division Director Paul Hertz, D.3 APRA and D.7 SAT are being deferred to ROSES-2020. Those already named as Roman Technology Fellows may submit their Funds Proposals this year via D.8 Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowships for Early Career Researchers (RTF). Please communicate with the point of contact for D.8 RTF regarding submission of Fellowship Funds Proposals. This is a one-time shift of the schedule for D.3 APRA and D.7 SAT and no change is being made to the funding available for each of these three program elements.

Questions regarding program element D.3 APRA may be directed to Dominic Benford at Dominic.Benford@nasa.gov.

Questions regarding program element D.7 SAT and D.8 RTF may be directed to Nasser Barghouty at nasser.barghouty@nasa.gov.



Last Updated
Sep 11, 2023
NASA Science Editorial Team
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