2 min read
Amendment 62: Release of Final Text and Due Dates for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities: Stand-Alone Proposals
The Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities (PMEF) program (element C.17) allows proposals for the purchase or development of new or upgraded non-flight analytical, computational, telescopic, and other instrumentation to be used in investigations in Planetary Science Division (PSD) research programs.
This Amendment pertains specifically to Stand-Alone PMEF requests, which are self-contained, full proposals submitted to enable future PSD-funded research or enhance PSD-funded research in one or more of the Target Programs. Both Investigator Instruments and Facility Instruments may be requested in Stand-Alone PMEF proposals.
ROSES-2020 Amendment 62 releases final text and due dates for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities: Stand-alone proposals. The changes are not tracked, the text is replaced in its entirety. The expected annual program budget for new awards has been increased to ~$1.5M. C.24 YORPD is not eligible for stand-alone PMEF proposals.
Step-1 proposals are due by December 4, 2020 and Step-2 proposals are due February 5, 2021.
On or about October 22, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020" (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020.
Questions concerning C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities may be directed to Jeffrey Grossman at HQ-PME@mail.nasa.gov.