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Amendment 71: New Opportunity in ROSES: B.18 HERMES Interdisciplinary Science Teams
The new program element B.18 solicits proposals for HERMES Interdisciplinary Science Teams that will conduct science investigations addressing the HERMES science objectives and additional science objectives enabled by HERMES observations at Gateway, using HERMES data products. Other data sources are allowed. These investigations should have as one of their goals the timely production of results of importance to HERMES.
This amendment releases the text for a new element program in ROSES-2020 in the form of this program B.18 HERMES Interdisciplinary Science Teams. Proposals to this program will be submitted by a two-step process in which the Notice of Intent is replaced by a mandatory Step-1 proposal that must be submitted by an organization Authorized Organizational Representative. Only proposers who submit a Step-1 proposal are eligible to submit a Step-2 (full) proposal. Step-1 proposals are due January 7, 2021 and Step-2 proposals are due February 25, 2021.
On or about November 17, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020" (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020.
The main point of contact for B.18 HERMES Interdisciplinary Science Teams is Jim Spann, who may be reached at jim.spann@nasa.gov.