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Amendment 74: B.6 Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities deferred to ROSES-2021.
B.6 Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities (LWS SC) which had been "TBD" is being deferred to early ROSES-2021 and thus will not be solicited in ROSES-2020. The due date for Step-2 proposals will be no fewer than 90 days after the release of ROSES-2021 in February, 2021.
At the LWS Town Hall at the 2019 American Geophysical Union meeting approximately a year ago NASA presented three draft topics for LWS SC (below). However, the upcoming LWS SC solicited in ROSES-2021 will include only two of those topics; Topic #3 (in strikethrough below) is being dropped. However, a similar Focus Science Topic will be included in the 2021 version of B.5 Living With a Star Science, and Topic #3, below, may be offered as part of the following LWS Strategic Capabilities, which we anticipate will be solicited in ROSES-2023.
Moreover, in the future, the maximum period of performance for awards that derive from LWS Strategic Capabilities will be reduced from five years to four years and the cadence of solicitation of LWS SC will increase from every five years to every two years.
The Topics will be:
Topic #1: Develop a global model of the magnetosphere that extends beyond single-fluid MHD
Topic #2: Derive a model, or coupled set of models, of CME eruption, CME propagation, SEP acceleration and transport within the context of realistic models of the corona and inner heliosphere.
Topic #3: Develop a model, or coupled set of models, to specify the global ion and neutral density in the thermosphere, ionosphere and plasmasphere and its variation over time under varying geomagnetic conditions. This topic has been deleted.
ROSES-2020 Amendment 74 announces that B.6 Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities (LWS SC) which has been "TBD" is being deferred to early ROSES 2021 and thus will not be solicited as part of ROSES-2020. The due date for Step-2 proposals will be no fewer than 90 days after the release of ROSES-2021 in mid February.
On or about November 30, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020" (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020.
Questions concerning B.6 Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities may be directed to Jeff Morrill, who may be reached at jeff.s.morrill@nasa.gov.