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Amendment 1: New Opportunity in ROSES-21: B.17 Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse.
The purpose of B.17 Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse (ISE) is to support development of new research or enhancement of existing research, applied to the 2021 total solar eclipse visible from the southern hemisphere on December 4th, 2021.
On or about February 18, 2021, ROSES-2021 Amendment 1 will releases the text for a new element program element: B.17 Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse (ISE). Step-1 Proposals are due April 7, 2021, and Step-2 proposals are due May 19, 2021.
On or about February 18, 2021, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021" (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2021.
Questions concerning B.17 ISE may be directed to Lika Guhathakurta, who may be reached at madhulika.guhathakurta@nasa.gov.